Of all the terrible aspects of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny's death this morning - reported death, since the Putin regime in Russia cannot be trusted to tell the truth, ever - perhaps the most stomach-turning was the reaction of MAGA Republicans. Kurt Anderson, a writer and co-founder of Spy magazine, collected their Orwellian Twitter posts.
These will be the talking points as the U.S. election plays out. It's hard not to engage in conspiracy theories when the messaging is so consistent, whether it's Tucker Carlson singing the praises of Moscow supermarkets or Mike Johnson stalling aid to Ukraine.
Here's the thing: whether or not Donald Trump and the politicians who collude in his con job on angry, uneducated Americans are directly in the pay of Russia, their actions benefit Putin and Russia's foreign policy under Putin. Full stop. And Donald Trump wants to be Putin, only taller. Stop clicking on celebrity videos. The threat is real.