It's bizarre to venture out into a world where everyone is masked. The person behind the covering could be anyone: artist, killer, pet store owner, hairdresser, carpenter, spy.
What's reassuring is how Americans are turning a safety precaution into self-expression. Journal of the Plague Year is opening the magazine to your photographs of ordinary folks wearing masks. The requirements are simple:
1. Snap a photo.
2. Get the person's first name and what they do for work, if they work.
3. Note the place.
4. Send it to us at (At least medium-size photo, please!)
Let's turn barriers into community.
The whole mask thing is frightening at first, but after a while we'll get used to it.
Like the pandemic itself.
photo above: self-portrait, Laleh Khorramanian, artist and co-founder, MAsK4peoplE

Marlene. Retired, makes jewelry. At Stater Bros. Supermarket, 29 Palms, CA.
Susan Zakin photo