Irreverent Yet Oddly Serious
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Irreverent Yet Oddly Serious
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Irreverent Yet Oddly Serious
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Fridays $1 to $99
“Friday, do not you wish yourself in your own country, your own nation?" Robinson Crusoe
Bill Abernethy
Patricia Antwander
Ann Banks
David Barry
Bruce Bauman
Roger Benham
Joel Bellman
Brenda Berkal
Blanche Boyd
Douglas Biggers
Charles Conner
Georganne Deen
Arthur Durity
Emily Duwel
Khady Diarra
Kathleen Donnelly
Katherine Endicott
Eric Feinblatt
Don Ferguson
Diane Gurman
Laura Hankin
Edward Hayes
Laura Hightower
Stephen Hinerman
Sarah Hofstadter
Jimmy Hughes
Paul Jacobs
Rebecca Johnson
Christine Kiessling
Douglas LaBier
Carol Lavender
John Lickerman
Paul Nelson
Chuck Pell
Shirley Peroutka
Peggy Pierrepont
Shelby Raebeck
Donald Ranard
Adrianne Rankin
Charles Renton
Patrick Rizzo
David Rothenberg
Gundars Rudzitis
Christy Ryder
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Alan Sherwood
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Paul Wilner
Plague Doctors $100 to $499
Turning disaster into entertaining, insightful writing. Daniel Defoe's Journal of the Plague Year.
Elizabeth Alvarado
Jim Carrier
Thomas Corddry
Paula Chronister
Elizabeth Evans
Meg Fils
Stacy Goodman
Alan Grossman
Kit Gruelle
Tony Jones
Bonnie Lambert
Kirk Lauby
Marshall Mayer
Robert McGrath
Karen Nathan
Michael Sigman
Robert Woodruff
Francois Zalacain
Cavaliers $500 to $999
Winston Churchill modeled his histories after Defoe's use of an individual story to convey large historical moments in Memoirs of a Cavalier (1720).
Greil Marcus
Bob Zwick
Consolidators $1000 to $2500
Defoe's science fiction account of a journey to the moon. Let's go!
Brian Cullman
Betsy Loyless
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